Sunday, June 25, 2023

Show HN: Open-source resume builder and parser

Show HN: Open-source resume builder and parser
441 by xitang | 142 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, I recently created and published an open-source resume builder as a weekend project. The idea came to me while I was mentoring students and noticing common mistakes they made in their resumes that I had also made in the past. I thought to build a tool to help people easily create a modern professional resume with built-in best practices to avoid those mistakes. Top highlights of the resume builder are: 1. Real time UI update as you type 2. ATS friendly to top ATS platforms, e.g. Greenhouse, Lever 3. Privacy focus - no sign up is required and data is stored locally in browser that only users have access 4. Support import from existing resume PDF The tool also includes a resume parser to help people test their existing resumes’ ATS readability if they might not be interested in using the builder. I also explained the parser algorithm in an article with interactive tables that might be an interesting read to see the steps and logics it uses ( ). I hope others might find this tool useful and I look forward to hearing any feedback the community has. Thanks all. Home Page: Github Repo: Product Hunt:

The 'fuck you' pattern

The 'fuck you' pattern
427 by keepamovin | 315 comments on Hacker News.

Show HN: An open-source collaborative WYSIWYG Markdown editor

Show HN: An open-source, collaborative, WYSIWYG Markdown editor
443 by arek_nawo | 127 comments on Hacker News.
Inspired by the design and UI/UX of apps like Notion, and utility of open-source apps like StackEdit, I decided to create a minimalistic, local-only WYSIWYG Markdown editor. Some features worth highlighting: - Monaco editor and Prettier integration for code snippets - Tables (apparently the holy grail of WYSIWYG editing) - Embeds (for CodePen, CodeSandbox and YouTube, most useful for HTML or JSON exports) - Accepts Markdown paste-in, and "exports"/generates HTML, Markdown and JSON outputs - Collaboration (with real-time awareness and initial commenting system, available only when logged in) - GPT-3.5 integration (only when logged-in with the corresponding extension installed) Stack used: TipTap, Solid.js, HocusPocus, Fastify, tRPC. Some notable drawbacks: - No mobile support - Collaboration available only between signed-in users, in the same workspace; - I tried my best to support most common Markdown formatting, pasting and in-editor shortcuts, though there might still be room for improvement - Self-hosting isn't easy right now, though you should be able to figure it out from the source code The editor itself is a standalone app, extracted from the larger Vrite CMS project ( ) which you can also test out (only with sign-in) here:

Everything that uses configuration files should report where they're located

Everything that uses configuration files should report where they're located
630 by ingve | 195 comments on Hacker News.