Monday, November 22, 2021

The Microsoft .NET platform has been forked: Introducing Open.NET 22, 2021 at 03:01AMComments

ReVision – A New Way to Supercharge Your Vision! Discover The Simple 3 DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE The #1 Secret To Manifest Wealth, Happiness & Success... Are You Ready To Shift Your Consciousness?

PhotoRoom (YC S20) Is Hiring a Head of Computer Vision (Paris, Remote ± 1h) 22, 2021 at 04:01AMComments

ReVision – A New Way to Supercharge Your Vision! Discover The Simple 3 DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE The #1 Secret To Manifest Wealth, Happiness & Success... Are You Ready To Shift Your Consciousness?

Bubbleos, a Self-Contained OS 19, 2021 at 04:51AMComments

ReVision – A New Way to Supercharge Your Vision! Discover The Simple 3 DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE The #1 Secret To Manifest Wealth, Happiness & Success... Are You Ready To Shift Your Consciousness?

Apple Monterey reserves port 5000, a common web development port 22, 2021 at 02:16AMComments

ReVision – A New Way to Supercharge Your Vision! Discover The Simple 3 DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE The #1 Secret To Manifest Wealth, Happiness & Success... Are You Ready To Shift Your Consciousness?

3MF file format and why it’s great 20, 2021 at 08:42PMComments

ReVision – A New Way to Supercharge Your Vision! Discover The Simple 3 DIGIT MANIFESTATION CODE The #1 Secret To Manifest Wealth, Happiness & Success... Are You Ready To Shift Your Consciousness?