Friday, June 30, 2023

Apollo is dead. Long live Apollo

Apollo is dead. Long live Apollo
528 by bears-n-beets | 182 comments on Hacker News.
I was actively using the app on my phone and it suddenly crashed at 4:10pm PDT. I thought it was just my phone acting up but then I realized that’s about 12am UTC. With the death of Apollo also goes the metaphorical death of all the best parts (IMO) of the internet: open-source, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit. Sad day. I guess I’ll go outside now. Edit: sorry, Apollo wasn’t open source. That’s what happens when I make a post while two beers deep I guess. Hopefully you get the general spirit of what I was trying to convey.

Twitter now requires an account to view tweets

Twitter now requires an account to view tweets
522 by celsoazevedo | 526 comments on Hacker News.

YouTube is testing a more aggressive approach against ad blockers

YouTube is testing a more aggressive approach against ad blockers
435 by prhrb | 787 comments on Hacker News.

Annas Archive: Open-source data library

Anna’s Archive: Open-source data library
439 by janandonly | 81 comments on Hacker News.

Terrible real estate agent photographs

Terrible real estate agent photographs
462 by thunderbong | 243 comments on Hacker News.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Password Game

The Password Game
692 by kretaceous | 294 comments on Hacker News.

Outlook now ignores Windows' Default Browser and opens links in Edge by default

Outlook now ignores Windows' Default Browser and opens links in Edge by default
665 by mfwit | 477 comments on Hacker News.

macOS command-line tools you might not know about

macOS command-line tools you might not know about
752 by Gadiguibou | 220 comments on Hacker News.

Discovering that a Bluetooth car battery monitor is siphoning location data

Discovering that a Bluetooth car battery monitor is siphoning location data
655 by x1sec | 271 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, this is my efforts in reverse engineering a BLE car battery monitor where it's app has over 100,000 downloads on the Google Play store alone. It turns out it's sending GPS, cell phone tower cell IDs and Wifi beacon data to servers in Hong Kong and mainland China on a continued basis. Google and Apple app store pages say no personal data is collected or sent to 3rd parties. Hopefully readers pick up a few tips on reversing apps for their connected devices.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Show HN: Open-source resume builder and parser

Show HN: Open-source resume builder and parser
441 by xitang | 142 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, I recently created and published an open-source resume builder as a weekend project. The idea came to me while I was mentoring students and noticing common mistakes they made in their resumes that I had also made in the past. I thought to build a tool to help people easily create a modern professional resume with built-in best practices to avoid those mistakes. Top highlights of the resume builder are: 1. Real time UI update as you type 2. ATS friendly to top ATS platforms, e.g. Greenhouse, Lever 3. Privacy focus - no sign up is required and data is stored locally in browser that only users have access 4. Support import from existing resume PDF The tool also includes a resume parser to help people test their existing resumes’ ATS readability if they might not be interested in using the builder. I also explained the parser algorithm in an article with interactive tables that might be an interesting read to see the steps and logics it uses ( ). I hope others might find this tool useful and I look forward to hearing any feedback the community has. Thanks all. Home Page: Github Repo: Product Hunt:

The 'fuck you' pattern

The 'fuck you' pattern
427 by keepamovin | 315 comments on Hacker News.

Show HN: An open-source collaborative WYSIWYG Markdown editor

Show HN: An open-source, collaborative, WYSIWYG Markdown editor
443 by arek_nawo | 127 comments on Hacker News.
Inspired by the design and UI/UX of apps like Notion, and utility of open-source apps like StackEdit, I decided to create a minimalistic, local-only WYSIWYG Markdown editor. Some features worth highlighting: - Monaco editor and Prettier integration for code snippets - Tables (apparently the holy grail of WYSIWYG editing) - Embeds (for CodePen, CodeSandbox and YouTube, most useful for HTML or JSON exports) - Accepts Markdown paste-in, and "exports"/generates HTML, Markdown and JSON outputs - Collaboration (with real-time awareness and initial commenting system, available only when logged in) - GPT-3.5 integration (only when logged-in with the corresponding extension installed) Stack used: TipTap, Solid.js, HocusPocus, Fastify, tRPC. Some notable drawbacks: - No mobile support - Collaboration available only between signed-in users, in the same workspace; - I tried my best to support most common Markdown formatting, pasting and in-editor shortcuts, though there might still be room for improvement - Self-hosting isn't easy right now, though you should be able to figure it out from the source code The editor itself is a standalone app, extracted from the larger Vrite CMS project ( ) which you can also test out (only with sign-in) here:

Everything that uses configuration files should report where they're located

Everything that uses configuration files should report where they're located
630 by ingve | 195 comments on Hacker News.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Cormac McCarthy has died

Cormac McCarthy has died
563 by benbreen | 249 comments on Hacker News.

Comic Mono

Comic Mono
550 by lolinder | 109 comments on Hacker News.

Ask HN: Alternatives to Reddit

Ask HN: Alternatives to Reddit
517 by cryoz | 363 comments on Hacker News.
Today's subreddit strike showed me just how reliant I've become on reddit including my local subreddits and adding to all my web searches. Going forward, are there any good comprehensive alternatives to reddit?

BBEdit: Where Respect Is Due

BBEdit: Where Respect Is Due
539 by tambourine_man | 137 comments on Hacker News.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Debian 12 “Bookworm”

Debian 12 “Bookworm”
500 by Chatting | 187 comments on Hacker News.

June 2023 Data Dump is missing

June 2023 Data Dump is missing
524 by JasonPunyon | 247 comments on Hacker News.

ArchiveTeam has saved over 11.2B Reddit links

ArchiveTeam has saved over 11.2B Reddit links
515 by susanthenerd | 154 comments on Hacker News.

Reddark: Website to watch subreddits going dark

Reddark: Website to watch subreddits going dark
491 by morjom | 357 comments on Hacker News.

Mechanical Apple Watch from real e-waste Apple Watch

Mechanical Apple Watch from real e-waste Apple Watch
550 by zdw | 171 comments on Hacker News.

Average color of the NYC sky every 5 minutes

Average color of the NYC sky every 5 minutes
519 by sethbannon | 108 comments on Hacker News.

Reddit CEO doubles down on attack on Apollo developer in drama-filled AMA

Reddit CEO doubles down on attack on Apollo developer in drama-filled AMA
589 by coloneltcb | 444 comments on Hacker News.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Apple Vision Pro: Apple’s first spatial computer

Apple Vision Pro: Apple’s first spatial computer
737 by samwillis | 705 comments on Hacker News.

Our right to challenge junk patents is under threat

Our right to challenge junk patents is under threat
531 by prhrb | 97 comments on Hacker News.

Tell HN: My Reddit account was banned after adding my subs to the protest

Tell HN: My Reddit account was banned after adding my subs to the protest
421 by goplayoutside | 168 comments on Hacker News.
As you may be aware, there is an upcoming protest[0] on June 12-14 where many subreddits[1] are going private for 48 hours in protest of reddit's API fee increase[2][3], which many expect will lead to the end of all third party apps. I moderate a few subreddits for a niche hobby, and decided to join the protest. We're fairly small, if non-negligible potatos: altogether, maybe 10k-15k active users on a busy day, but still want to show support. So, I commented to add the subs to the list[1] and made announcement posts based on the template[4] linked from r/modcoord. Several minutes later, the site logged me out. I received an email from reddit that said my account had been locked for "suspicious activity" and I would need to reset my password. The timing seemed curious, but as I was logged in over an Airbnb's wifi, I figured it could be legitimate. When I logged back in, I saw that all of the posts and comments I've made from this account had been deleted. The password reset requirement is understandable; the fact that the posts and comments were not restored, less so. Looks like it's finally time to encourage my community to move to another site. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Generative AI learning path

Generative AI learning path
420 by sh_tomer | 107 comments on Hacker News.

The Rust I wanted had no future

The Rust I wanted had no future
467 by dochtman | 191 comments on Hacker News.

WFH – Watched from Home: Office 365 and workplace surveillance creep (2022)

WFH – Watched from Home: Office 365 and workplace surveillance creep (2022)
405 by thunderbong | 294 comments on Hacker News.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Show HN: I open sourced the QR designer from my failed startup

Show HN: I open sourced the QR designer from my failed startup
694 by koch | 72 comments on Hacker News.
My designer is somewhat special, if I do say so myself, as it allows you to put arbitrary designs in the middle area of the QR while still being totally scannable.